Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Future Of Italy

Future Scenarios Of Italy

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Future of Italy's Climate

As temperatures continue to rise, the earth as a whole will become warmer and warmer. This is due to the events of global warming. The events of global warming does not exclude Italy. In the future, Italy's climate is projected to increase as well. The IPCC projects that Italy's temperature will have an increase of about 3.2 degrees Celsius. Along with this, there will be longer and warmer summers, and shorter, but colder winters. There will be warmer summers because the IPCC predicts that there will be less precipitation in the summer months. There will be colder winters for the opposite reason, the IPCC predicts that the winter will have more precipitation resulting in colder winters.

Image result for summer in italy
The video linked above shows arugula plants being grown in Italy. These plants are grown under "future conditions."

Future Power For Italy

Italy is already starting to use Eco-friendly power supplies. Italy is using wind turbines, water generators, and solar panels as power sources. As time goes on, Italy is hoping to incorporate these renewable power sources, and to replace fossil fuels. Italy's goals by 2020 are to be using 20% renewable energy sources. as of right now, they are at 17%. By 2050, Italy wants to have at least 50% of their energy from renewable sources. These goals are entirely possible, and will help the fight with global warming.

Conclusion Statement

Global warming is a real threat. As seen in the video above, a warmer climate will be detrimental to not only plants, but to humans and animals as well. Italy, along with other countries, are rapidly increasing their use of renewable energy sources. If the amount of renewable energy sources rises, then we can slowly counteract global warming. Not right away, but in the future. We should perserve and save the earth for future generations to come.

Work Cited

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